Google Pixel 7 Pro in white, focus on camera bump, on an orange background with Android stickers next to it

Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

Opinion post by
Rita El Khoury

In the world of cameras, a 23-24mm lens is considered very wide — not ultrawide, but still quite wide. Most photographers often gravitate towards the 40mm or narrower lenses, unless they specialize in landscape photography. There’s a reason for that.

50mm is the equivalent of human sight. Plus, you often can’t come close enough to many subjects you want to snap a pic of — be it people, pets, buildings, or nature — and even if you did, you risk a lot of distortion. Stepping away and focusing with your eyes or zooming in with your camera lets you take a more detailed and less distorted photo. It also gives you more freedom in framing the pic as you wish while getting rid of distracting elements. In contrast, you can’t hide much in a wider photo.