HP Spectre Foldable PC

Credit: HP
  • HP is launching a foldable PC called the Spectre Fold.
  • HP claims the Spectre Fold is the smallest and thinnest 17-inch foldable PC in the world.
  • HP’s foldable PC will go on sale in October for $5,000.

Companies like ASUS and Lenovo have been trying to win customers over to the idea of foldable laptops for a few years now. Just like Samsung, Google, and others are trying to get customers on the foldable phone train. HP is now also joining the fray with its own foldable PC, the HP Spectre Fold. While HP’s first entry into the space looks promising, it could be overshadowed by its price.

According to HP, the Spectre Fold claims the title of the world’s smallest and thinnest 17-inch foldable PC. In turn for that convenience, however, this foldable PC is priced at $5,000. This price makes the Spectre Fold more expensive than any other laptop of this type currently on the market.