  • Android 14 has seized 13% of the market since its introduction, but Android 13 leads the pack at nearly 21%.
  • Android 12’s market share is the most stable year-to-year.
  • Use of Android 11, 10, and 9 is dropping off fast.

It is entirely too easy for Pixel owners to forget how good they have it. Google’s got a new Android release ready to go? Pixel phones get it first. Time to start the public beta for Android’s next major revision? Pixel phones are first in line. But for hundreds of millions of Android users, Android 14 isn’t even an option yet, and maybe not even 13 or 12. Just how many people are currently stuck on some increasingly ancient-looking Android releases? We’re checking out the latest figures this week, as Google shares an update to its Android Studio distribution figures.

As the most wonderfully nerdy of you may recall, Google used to publicly share its breakdown of how many Android devices were running which version. But several years back, Google tucked that info away within Android Studio, and stopped updating it with regular frequency — we’re lucky if we see new numbers once a year. In the interim, we find ourselves turning to reports from other sources, like the breakdown among managed devices Esper shared earlier this month. But now we’re once again getting the good stuff, as 9to5Google spots that Studio’s got some fresh data for us, representing the picture as of May 2024: