Steam on Chrome OS

Credit: Google
  • Steam on Chrome OS has left its alpha phase and has entered its beta phase.
  • The beta version brings new improvements including more availability, better performance, and an improved user experience.
  • The beta version more than triples the supported devices.

The Chrome OS gaming team and Valve have been hard at work bringing Steam to Chromebooks since the initiative was first announced earlier this year. Now the two teams are ready to move forward and push Steam on Chrome OS into its beta phase.

Steam for Chrome OS was initially released on the Chrome OS Dev channel as an early alpha build back in April. At the time of the launch, the alpha only supported a small group of Chromebooks and demanded Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 11th Gen Core i5 or i7 processors, and at least 8GB of RAM. Additionally, the platform only supported a list of around 50 games.