quora app

Credit: Andy Walker / Android Authority
  • Fake profiles are gaming the Google algorithm using AI to make Quora answers popular and sell affiliate products.
  • These profiles have achieved a high ranking on Quora and, through it, on Google, likely spreading AI-generated misinformation on medical advice and terms.

It’s always better to seek medical attention whenever you have any worrying symptoms. That said, trying to get some information on what may seem like minor symptoms while you wait until your next doctor visit can help calm some nerves. Sadly, it seems spammers and scammers are gaining further reach with recent Google algorithm updates.

SEO expert Ori Zilbershtein recently came upon some worrying evidence of what may be becoming a misinformation epidemic. As an active individual, Zilbershtein claims he looked for info on neck and back pain, which he has been suffering from. One of Google’s top results came from a fake Quora profile. The account was created and managed using artificial intelligence, something that became very worrying, given that this is medical advice and information.