
Netflix with popcorn stock photo 1

Netflix is possibly reeling under the after-effects of the global pandemic when it comes to subscriber growth. In fact, the streaming service is bleeding subscribers in the US and Canada, with 430,000 of them opting to pull out of the platform in the second quarter of this year. The company reported that it added just 1.5 million new subscribers worldwide in the time period — a significant drop compared to the fast-paced growth it saw last year owing to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Related: Netflix vs Disney Plus comparison

It’s unclear what’s causing this subscriber drain for Netflix, but the platform’s leadership certainly doesn’t think it’s because of competition from other streaming services like Disney Plus and HBO Max. “Does HBO or Disney have a differential impact compared to the past? We’re not seeing that in the data we have. That gives us comfort,” Reed Hastings, Netflix co-CEO, said in an investor call (via ArsTechnica).

In light of the development, we wanted to know if you are one of the 430,000 paid subscribers who jumped the Netflix ship recently. If so, why did you quit the platform?  Did you replace your Netflix subscription with that of another streaming platform? Take our poll above and drop us a line in the comments section below.