google assistant bard gemini

Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

Earlier today, Google made a series of announcements regarding Google Assistant, Bard, and Gemini — the large-language model (LLM) Bard is based on. If these names are already confusing to you or if anything about Google Assistant has ever been confusing to you, prepare to be even more confused. A thousand times more confused.

Google Bard is now Gemini, so the Gemini chat service will run on the Gemini LLM, while Duet AI in Google Workspace is also becoming Gemini, but it might not have all the features of Gemini because it’s limited to Gmail and Drive, mostly. Plus there are three tiers of Gemini models, which require hardware as small as your phone or as large as Google’s servers — and one of those tiers will require you to purchase a monthly $19.99 Google One storage plan.