
There’s a new breed of speed demons on the streets, and these two-wheelers are taking the daily commute by storm. While I see many people in my city riding electric scooters recreationally, more and more are investing in high-performance scooters as their go-to mode of transportation. Some of these high-specced scooters redefine what we thought possible on two wheels, matching the speed limit for cars in some cities.

After testing Apollo’s latest expert model, the Apollo Phantom V3, and one of their commuter models, the Apollo City, I don’t think I’ll ever take the bus again. It is faster to get to work and adds a jolt of adrenaline to my morning Joe. Of course, not everyone may need a scooter that can blitz by at 40mph. Still, for thrill seekers like me or anyone curious about changing their typical travel, here’s why experiencing Apollo’s high-performance ride was an absolute game-changer.