  • The Google I/O 2024 keynote will be livestreamed on YouTube.
  • We expect the two-hour-long event to feature numerous Google announcements, mostly centered on AI.
  • You can watch it here on May 14, 2024, at 10:00 AM PT.

In the tech world, few events are as momentous as Google I/O, the company’s developers conference held in May every year. Although it’s positioned as a developers-only event, the keynote address usually involves a slew of announcements the general public would want to know about, including new software releases, updates to Google products and services, and sometimes even brand-new hardware.

Although I/O is an invitation-only affair, anyone can watch the two-hour keynote portion live. The livestream video above will begin precisely when the event starts, so you can watch it comfortably from home.