  • We have more information on the new Advanced Protection Mode in Android 16.
  • When Advanced Protection Mode is enabled in Android 16, Android will block sideloading, disable cellular 2G connections, and enable MTE.
  • Furthermore, apps will be able to apply their own security measures on top of these system-level changes.

If you believe you’re at high risk of being targeted by hackers or you desire an additional layer of security, you can enroll in Google’s Advanced Protection Program. The program improves security by requiring you to use a security key or passkey to sign in to your Google account, blocking you from downloading harmful files, and more. Enrolled users also benefit from beefed up security on their Android devices, with Android 16 introducing further security enhancements.

Google introduced the Advanced Protection Program in 2017 to provide extra security for IT admins, journalists, activists, and others at high risk of being hacked. When you enroll in the program, Android will prevent you from installing apps from outside the Google Play Store (i.e., sideloading). While this stops one common way for hackers to compromise Android devices, the Advanced Protection Program could do even more to protect Android users. This is what the new Advanced Protection Mode in Android 16 aims to address.