Stock photo of Google Bard website on phone 1

Credit: Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
  • Google Bard will not appear in the EU anytime soon.
  • The Irish Data Protection Commission has concerns about protecting user privacy.
  • Bard is not blocked permanently, but it could be a long while before it lands in Europe.

As of today, Google Bard is available in the United States and many other countries as an “experiment.” Users can get full access to all its current features, but there are numerous warnings about the volatile nature of generative AI, especially as it pertains to factual information. Initially, Google planned to roll out support to more countries soon, including Europe. However, that plan has hit a bit of a snag.

According to Politico, the Irish Data Protection Commission has serious concerns about the privacy implications of Bard. The watchdog group questioned Google on these matters but felt the company didn’t provide enough information about how the tool protects Europeans’ privacy. In fact, the agency said it “had not had any detailed briefing nor sight of a data protection impact assessment or any supporting documentation at this point.”