Android Emoji wallpapers on Android phone stock photo 4

Credit: Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
  • We have evidence that Google is working on a new Android feature called “Audio Emoji.”
  • The description of the feature leads us to believe it will be a way to react to things during audio calls in the same way you currently do in text-based messages.
  • Interestingly, the poop emoji is specifically referenced here. What will the poop emoji sound like?

Using emojis has become ubiquitous across all manners of text-based chats, whether they be text messages, YouTube comments, Reddit posts, or social media updates. However, one place that emojis have been absent is audio-based communication, but it looks like that’s going to change soon — for better or worse.

In the latest beta of the Google Phone app (v128.0.628175044-publicbeta), we have found strings that reference a new feature to be known as “Audio Emoji.” The screenshots below give you a good idea of what to expect: