Credit: MKBHD
- YouTuber MKBHD had the opportunity to try out and record Google’s Project Starline in action.
- Project Starline tech has shrunk down in size from being a booth full of hardware to being not larger than a TV on a stand with some cameras and speakers.
- It makes people and objects in video calls seem like they are with you in the same room.
Video calls have taken off rapidly in the last few years, with more and more people around the world appreciating the ease and convenience of meeting people virtually. But video calls with their flat 2D feed are no replacement for meeting someone in person. But what if you could go one step ahead and make video calls a lot more immersive? Google’s secretive Project Starline is the answer to that question, and Google has finally let someone outside the company demo it for the public.
YouTuber MKBHD had exclusive access and hands-on with the new and improved immersive video calling tech under Google’s Project Starline.