Samsung Exynos 2100 graphic

Credit: Supplied by Samsung
  • Samsung is reportedly pushing to increase the number of Galaxy phones with Exynos power.
  • This could lead to Samsung doubling shipments of Exynos processors in 2022.
  • Another report has since corroborated this claim.

Updated: November 26, 2021 (12:54 AM ET): Another outlet has corroborated the claim below that Samsung will be drastically increasing the production of Exynos chipsets to be used in its phones. EE Times (h/t: ITHome) reports that the number of Samsung phones powered by Exynos processors will double or even triple in 2022.

It’s believed that this move was partly made as a result of the global chipset shortage, allowing Samsung to reduce its reliance on chipsets from the likes of Qualcomm. We’ll likely have to wait for 2022 to see just how many models are powered by Exynos chipsets.