
Wallpapers don’t have to have a specific meaning. Nor do they have to portray recognizable things, places, or characters. There is beauty in random shapes and colors that just happen to look good. That is why Samsung wallpapers have become so popular. These look great and certainly evoke some feelings, but they have a very non-representational nature. We have put together a collection of awesome abstract wallpapers for your phone. Let’s get to them!

Download these abstract wallpapers for your phone

We have to let you know how things work with our wallpaper posts before moving forward. You will need to download whichever wallpapers you prefer first, but don’t just save the images you see below. These are wallpaper previews, and have been compressed for improved website performance. This means they aren’t full-resolution images, and won’t look as good. Instead, click on the button below the previews to download the full-resolution abstract wallpapers for your phone.