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Credit: C. Scott Brown / Android Authority

Opinion post by
C. Scott Brown

This year hasn’t been great for Android so far. In two recent reports, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) showed that more people than ever are jumping ship from Android to iOS. The agency says that most of these folks — about 53% — leave because of “prior phone problems.” In other words, the users weren’t happy with their Android phone’s performance in some way and decided iOS would be a better fit.

In other regions of tech, this kind of conclusion can make sense. For example, a Garmin smartwatch will be vastly superior for hardcore runners than something like a Fitbit. However, a Fitbit would likely be better for someone who isn’t an athlete but wants to keep tabs on their overall health. Experiencing any device on either of these platforms and deciding you’d rather be in a different ecosystem does not mean the original platform sucks: it just means it isn’t a good fit for your needs.