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Credit: Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
  • A customer had a frustrating experience trying to cancel a phone line through AT&T customer support.
  • The customer support agent continued offering alternatives persistently, even though the user was clear on canceling the line.
  • The ordeal lasted over an hour, even though the cancellation took about five minutes.

Consumers in the US have to contend with three primary carriers: Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Depending on your area and its infrastructure, these options could dwindle even further, often leaving you with no choice but to stick with that one carrier that works, no matter how frustratingly. When you do want to switch or cancel, you will find that the experience can get so much worse, as this Redditor found out the hard way.

Redditor BudgetPea9967 recounted an experience they had a while ago with AT&T. Primarily, the redditor wanted to cancel a phone line because the user of the line was no longer within the country. For this, they contacted the AT&T customer support system through chat. What should have been an easy 10 minutes of straightforward conversation to cancel a line ended up stretching for over an hour.