by dbadmin | Jun 28, 2022 | How To, Instagram, Social Media
Knowing what other people on Instagram like and don’t like can be helpful and informative in many situations. If certain things are popular, exploring those topics can influence your future activities and interests. Instagram used to have a feed where you could see...
by dbadmin | Jun 22, 2022 | How To, Instagram, Social Media
If you’ve been using social media for any reasonable length of time, you will have come across the term ‘hashtag.’ It’s to social media what peanut butter is to bread. But not too many people fully understand what a hashtag is, how to select the right ones for their...
by dbadmin | Jun 21, 2022 | How To, Instagram, Social Media
It’s very common these days for people to have more than one account on a social media platform. Of course, this means logging out of one and logging into another, which can be a bit annoying. Just like Twitter though, Instagram offers an ‘account switcher’ where you...
by dbadmin | May 12, 2022 | How To, Social Media, TikTok
While you can make money on TikTok, only a small percentage of creators earn enough to do so full-time, usually after investing significant time and finances into equipment and production teams. For most creators, TikTok is one of many social media platforms to...
by dbadmin | May 12, 2022 | How To, Social Media, TikTok
So you’ve started a TikTok account; congratulations! Now you’re hoping to get more views, right? Well, so is everyone, and they don’t just start pouring in equally. People’s time and attention are limited, so your content will have to be top-notch to get noticed....
by dbadmin | May 10, 2022 | How To, Social Media, TikTok
Since launching in 2016, TikTok has gradually increased the maximum video length as it has rapidly gained many users. By offering a variety of video lengths, creators can craft a wider array of content for different audiences. Here’s an overview of the history of...