by dbadmin | Jun 27, 2022 | Google Assistant, How To, Music, Music Apps, SIRI
It has to be one of the most maddening experiences of all time. You hear a song that is absolutely rocking the house down, but you have no clue who’s singing it or what the name of the song is. Thankfully, your smartphone comes to the rescue again with music...
by dbadmin | Jun 10, 2022 | Apple iPhone, Apple iPhone 13, How To, iphone, SIRI
For many people, taking device screenshots is a regular task. Whether you work for a tech publication that needs these graphics, or you are just someone who wants to show something on their screen, knowing how to do screenshots is a handy thing to know. Taking...
by dbadmin | May 16, 2022 | Bixby, Google Assistant, News, SIRI, Survey, Virtual assistant
Voice assistants are pretty much everywhere these days. You can find AI helpers like the Google Assistant, Siri, Bixby, and others on your phones, in your cars, on tablets, smart speakers, smartwatches, and many more devices. But where is it that you use them the...
by dbadmin | Apr 21, 2022 | Apple iOS, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, How To, iOS, macbook, SIRI
Autocorrection is a lifeline to some, but it can be a bane to others — especially if you tend to mix in many product names, profanities, or words from foreign languages into your writing or conversations. Here’s how to get Siri to stop autocorrecting certain words on...
by dbadmin | Apr 14, 2022 | Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, How To, SIRI, Smart Home
While people tend to think of Siri as a voice assistant first and foremost, it’s actually present in a subtler way throughout Apple platforms, in the form of suggestions for apps, actions, searches, and more. Here’s how to turn off Siri suggestions entirely or just...
by dbadmin | Apr 14, 2022 | Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, How To, SIRI, Smart Home
If you’ve got an Apple device like an iPhone or Apple Watch, you’ll probably want (or even need) Siri, the company’s voice assistant. Here’s how to set up Siri for the first time and activate Siri on any device. Read more: The best Siri commands for productivity and...