
What is DoorDash, and how does it work?

Food delivery services make it a breeze to enjoy restaurant food in the comfort of your own home. Despite various fees and restaurant surcharges that add a lot more to your bill, the convenience is undeniable, and millions rely on these services to cover their meal...

How to check Uber prices

Are you trying to take a ride somewhere? Uber is an easy way to get around if you have no access to a vehicle. It can also get expensive, though. Especially during busy days, peak hours, and holidays. Today we’ll teach you how to check Uber prices before you high a...

How to delete your Outlook email account

Outlook is a valuable service to keep all your email addresses in one place. Still, the Microsoft subscription can get expensive, and maybe you are just using one email address nowadays. Whatever the reason you no longer want to use Outlook, you’ll need to delete your...

How to create an email group in Outlook

Creating an email group in Microsoft Outlook is a useful way to send emails to multiple recipients without having to enter each email address individually. The process is simple, saving you time and effort in your daily communication. This article will walk you...

How to delete your Microsoft account

Are you tired of juggling multiple email accounts and dealing with unwanted notifications? It may be time to simplify your online life and close your Microsoft account. But before you do, it’s essential to understand the consequences and adequately back up your...

How to delete your Uber account

Uber is a reasonably reliable ride-share app that works in most regions, but it does have its downsides. For starters, the fares are vastly more expensive than public transit, especially during peak hours. Or maybe you are just tired of the awkward conversations with...