
Here are all the ways you can contact eBay support

eBay can be an excellent platform for buying and selling items at a great price. But not everything works all the time perfectly. Perhaps you need to cancel an order, or a seller shipped an item differently than described. As the saying goes, if a deal seems too good...

How to reset a PS5 controller

You shouldn’t need to keep resetting your DualSense controller to fix certain problems, such as pairing it to your PS5 console or with another device via Bluetooth. Still, it can be a reliable last resort. We recommend you always start with a soft reset before trying...

How to get iMessage on Android or Windows (via Beeper)

Apple is good at keeping its users within its ecosystem. It’s hard to move to Android once you enter the iPhone world and fall in love with its exclusive services or apps. One of the main iOS applications we wish we had on Android and Windows is iMessage. There is no...