
Download these abstract wallpapers for your phone

Wallpapers don’t have to have a specific meaning. Nor do they have to portray recognizable things, places, or characters. There is beauty in random shapes and colors that just happen to look good. That is why Samsung wallpapers have become so popular. These look great...

The best Google Gemini prompts you haven’t tried yet

Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority If you’re just getting started with Google’s Gemini, you may not realize just how many things it can do. It’s more knowledgeable than the Google Assistant, which often struggles to answer even basic questions. And thanks to...

This movie on Hulu deserves more attention

If you were caught in an unfathomable, life-or-death situation, but calling for help only made you look crazy, what lengths would you go to save yourself? Run asks and answers this question. I love a movie with a victim no one will believe. Your run-of-the-mill...