Android 14 screenshot detection 1

Credit: Android
  • Android 14 introduced a new screenshot detection API that would let app developers easily detect when a user has taken a screenshot without building hacky workarounds.
  • Apps have begun using the API, and now they can detect when you have taken a screenshot using standard screenshot methods.
  • The app does not know the contents of the screen, though.

Apps like Snapchat popularized the idea of ephemeral messaging, with messages disappearing after being read by the other party. However, the idea would have fallen flat if users could save screenshots of conversations and media without any repercussions. In response, Snapchat implemented a screenshot detection method that notifies users when a screenshot of the messages and media they sent has been taken. Google formally implemented a screenshot detection system within Android, too, with Android 14, and apps using the API have finally been spotted.

As per a report by AndroidPolice, German shopping app OTTO has adopted Android 14’s screenshot detection APIs. When a user takes a screenshot within this app, the app is notified of the action, and a toast message is displayed that the app has detected the screenshot. Developers can then build actions once the screenshot has been detected.