Woman hangs by her feet after attempting to save her dropped phone.

  • An Australian woman who dropped her phone in a rock crevice got trapped attempting to retrieve it.
  • Matilda Campbell was left hanging upside down by her feet for seven hours before she could be rescued.
  • She remained calm during the rescue but still hadn’t gotten over losing the device afterward.

Many of us are so attached to our phones that the thought of losing them is hard to bear, but it’s never worth putting yourself in danger to save your device. A woman in Australia recently gave us a timely reminder of this earlier this month after a horrifying ordeal that left her hanging upside down in a rock crevice for seven hours.

According to reporting by ABC, 23-year-old Matilda Campbell slipped while trying to retrieve her dropped phone during a bushwalk with friends in Laguna, New South Wales. She became wedged between two large boulders and hanging by her feet.