switchbot air purifier table 2

Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

I was diagnosed with asthma a couple of years ago, and one of the first things I bought, after a bunch of Ventolin inhalers, is a smart Levoit air purifier. I know that most studies don’t show a huge improvement in asthma when using air purifiers, but my asthma goes hand-in-hand with an intense allergic cough that gets triggered by the teensiest smell or volatile compound. Cooking? Yes, a bit. Deodorant spray? I might as well cough for 24 hours straight after a small spray. Smoking? I think you just want me to die of coughing.

Anyway, my point is that this Levoit air purifier has become a literal lifesaver in certain situations, including once when our boiler malfunctioned and spewed CO in the kitchen. Fun experience, that was. But the one thing I dislike about it is that it doesn’t really fit anywhere. Levoit wants me to give it some clearance all around to give its filter space — 360 degrees of it. So I’m supposed to run a cord to the middle of my room and let the air purifier stand there? I mean, I’ll do it if it’ll save my life, but it doesn’t look nice, does it?