Android 4 KitKat Easter Egg sideways

  • Google has announced that Google Play services will discontinue support for Android KitKat.
  • The active device count for Android 4.4 has reportedly fallen to under 1%.
  • Devices on KitKat will stop being supported by August 2023.

It’s hard to believe, but it has been 10 years since Google rolled out Android 4.4, better known as Android KitKat. A decade is an eternity in tech, and it looks like Google is ready to retire the old operating system to celebrate its 10th anniversary.

Just last month, a report revealed the percentage of devices running on a particular version of Android. The report was rather surprising as it revealed that Android 11 (codename Red Velvet Cake) happens to be the most widely available release of Android as of May 2023. What was even more shocking was that there were supposedly still 15 million devices still using Android 4.4.