
Best Smartphones 2 EOY 2020

Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority

It’s likely that you have a favorite smartphone brand, but what if that company completely changes, reworks its product roster, starts upping its prices, or shirks its responsibilities to customers? Would you continue to purchase their products? What single factor would make you drop your current smartphone brand for another?

There could be a few reasons to switch to the products offered by another company. OnePlus fans might be worried that Oppo’s Color OS will become the company’s new software platform. For Samsung fans, the original Galaxy Fold’s teething problems may still linger in the minds of those considering the firm’s foldables. Sony users may be put off by the company’s lofty prices. iPhone stalwarts could be looking towards Android OEMs for innovative features.

Of course, there are also plenty of reasons to stay with a single firm, chief of which is familiarity. But what would be the biggest reason for you to leave your current smartphone brand?

We’re keen to hear your thoughts. Be sure to vote in the poll above. Additionally, let us know which smartphone brand you’re using right now and if you’re happy with their products.