
There are a lot of valid reasons why someone would want to run Android emulators on their PC. App developers may be trying to test their application before shipping it out. Gamers may want to use a mouse and keyboard on their games. Maybe you just want it there to have it. In any case, Android emulation on PC is possible and it’s a lot easier than it used to be. Some old favorites either left the space or became unusable at some point (Andy, AmiduOS, and Leapdroid), but everything else here should work okay for most people. Here are the best Android emulators for PC and Mac.

It’s also worth noting that Windows 11 has native Android apps support. You can read a tutorial on how that works here and you can even use the Play Store if you want to go through the effort. Google is also bringing Google Play Games to Windows 11 in 2022. Being able to run apps and games natively on Windows 11 may replace emulator use for a wide variety of use cases such as gaming or general productivity so keep an eye out for that.